Become a Monthly PartnerWhen you partner with RLM, you know that you are sowing seed into good soil (Mark 4). We have multiple ways of setting up your monthly donation (check, e-check, debit card, etc.). Please see your local bank branch or contact us for more info if you need it.
Giving, Donations and Fund-Raising
This ministry strives to be the best stewards of the Lord’s resources. We are a faith-based ministry. However, God choses to use people to support us – that is how we are blessed to reach so many, by you, our partners in soulwinning. Scripture tells us that, because we give, He will have men (and women) give back to us, “good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.” God never runs out, and we are continuously giving out of the treasure Jesus has placed in us.
The following methods have been developed to allow you, our partner, to be as creative in your giving to Ricky Leonard World Outreach Ministries.
We accept donations and gifts through Paypal, Visa, Mastercard and Amex or by check and electronic bank transfer. We can process and convert any form of currency – Francs, Sterling, Euro’s, Peso’s . . .
The following methods have been developed to allow you, our partner, to be as creative in your giving to Ricky Leonard World Outreach Ministries.
We accept donations and gifts through Paypal, Visa, Mastercard and Amex or by check and electronic bank transfer. We can process and convert any form of currency – Francs, Sterling, Euro’s, Peso’s . . .
You, your church or group can do a fundraiser for our missions work; car washes, bake sales, yard sales, auctions, raffles . . . be creative. Whichever project, nation or designation you say is where we will use the money. This would be an excellent project for your Youth Group! If you give toward a specific mission, such as “fresh water wells”, “free medical treatment” for remote villages, crusades or whatever – we will send you photos and testimonies on what your gift has done in the lives of those where it was sent.