“When you look at your ideal future and you think “How in the world can this ever happen?” then you’ve got the right dream. See, God wants the credit. He wants your total dependency on him.” -Terri Savelle Foy If you don’t know what that dream for your future is yet, then ask God to reveal it to you. Spend some time along with him. Pray in tongues. Listen carefully. Don’t get discouraged if you pray one time and don’t get an answer. Keep seeking His presence, his voice, his leading in your life.
Isaiah 55:1-7 Then once you know the impossible thing for which He has called you to believe, it’s time to put on your battle armor, stand in faith, and never, ever give up. You WILL see that impossible thing come to pass in your life. Isaiah 55:8-13 FAITH CHANGES YOUR ATTITUDE James 1:2-8 How can you rejoice when everything is going wrong? When you are standing in Faith, you are so excited about the future that you know weathering this storm will make you stronger and you’ll still come out the other side a WINNER. We rejoice because we WIN. We don’t barely make it through, war torn, ragged, bleeding and broken. “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us!” (Romans 8:37) If you feel tossed around and unstable, bothered, insecure, troubled, weighed down, then you aren’t in faith…yet. If you are confident and sure that God will keep his promises, then all the wind could blow around you and you will be like an unmovable mountain instead of a pliable wave. “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” Romans 12:12 nlt Because we have faith in God, we can have confident hope, be patient even when everything is going wrong, and when we begin to get discouraged, we pray. Romans 5:13 See how Joy and Peace follow our trust? 1 Corinthians 13:2 Galatians 5:6 Our Faith is perfected in Love. Notice how these four attributes (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience) are all fruits of the spirit? The NLT version says “The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives” (Gal 5:22). You see as we are led by the direction of the Holy Spirit, he leads us to live a life that pleases God. But we know that “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebr 11:6). So then we know that the Holy Spirit cultivates FAITH within us as we follow his leading, and that FAITH in God produces the byproducts of positively affecting our attitude in the short term, and our character in the long term. Galatians 5:22-25 FAITH CHANGES HOW YOU PRAY FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD IN HEAVEN, can’t you see how the way you word and say your prayers would be changed if you actually believed that what you were praying for IS DEFINITELY GOING TO HAPPEN? But then, so as to not be too black & white with this, I will sort it into two types of prayers. 1.Seeking for God’s will, leading, or direction. Essentially, looking for an answer to a question, a which way do I go or how do you want me to handle this type of prayer. You may not know which job to apply to, when is the right time to approach your boss for a raise or to request time off, which ministry to help with, or what, outside of a career or parenthood, is your calling in life, and so you need to pray. This is what I believe the scripture is talking about in James 4:13-16 2.Praying anything according to God’s will. I.E. it’s in the Bible, or He has already specifically revealed to you what his plan for your future is, you just haven’t yet seen it come to pass. The Bible is very clear about God’s will regarding people’s salvation, healing, financial provision, long life, protection from harm, and living righteously, miracles, having control of the weather or nature. When find two or three bible verses that agree with your prayer, write them down and pray them. 1 John 5:14 John 14:13 So then, lets pray in confidence that God loves us, wants to answer our prayers and is definitely able to bring them to pass. Pray in Faith. Don’t pray according to your circumstances, what you think might be possible, or how you think it should be worked out. Pray big, impossible amazing prayers, then sit back and watch the creator of the universe bring it all to pass and get the glory for it! FAITH CHANGES THE WAY YOU SEE THE FUTURE Galatians 6:7-10 If you know without doubt that your harvest was planted, seeds will grow, and you will have a harvest, wouldn’t that change the way you look at the future? Instead of going day to day just hoping for something nice to fall in your lap, isn’t it better to fully expect God to perform his promise to you just like a farmer expects a seed to grow and produce a harvest? Luke 1:37 Matthew 19:26 Isaiah 43:18-21 “But forget all that, it is nothing compared to what I am going to do” That is his attitude towards our future! What you’ve seen him do in the past is NOTHING compared to how awesome he wants to show himself to you in the future. Your destiny is wide open, all you’ve got to do is dream some impossible things and trust the Lord, the I AM, to bring it to pass for you. FAITH GIVES YOU CONFIDENCE TO ACT 1 John 5:4 So now we have great attitudes, we are praying with confidence, we have a big plan for the future, so it’s time to get to work. If you believe it, you’ll do it. Or as James said “Faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.” James 2:14-18 When you really believe something is going to happen, your behavior changes as a result. Because we truly believe Jesus is the son of God, died in our place, and rose from the dead, we have had our whole lives changed. So lets put that same kind of faith into our future, take steps out onto the path, be led by the spirit, be confident, be full of the fruit of the spirit, and get to work. By Sarah Leonard
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October 2022